Program Detail


All players are required to tryout. There are typically two tryouts. Players are encouraged to attend both if possible. A signed Parent Permission and Tryout Registration Form must be brought to the tryout. There is a nominal fee to tryout to cover gym costs. (The fee helps to offset the cost of the gym rental). See program “Overview” page for dates/times.

Contact the program director at ( with questions or tryout conflicts. 

Team Registration

After tryouts, coaches will notify the parents to inform them if their son/daughter was selected for the team. Once selected, parents must register their player online. The registration process captures player information, uniform size, waivers and payment. 

Parent Meeting

There will be a mandatory parent meeting at Centennial H.S. cafeteria for parents of players who were selected to discuss next steps and set expectations. See program “Overview” page for dates/times.


Fees include a game uniform and practice jersey. Program fees can be paid in lump sum or as part of a payment plan. A limited number of scholarships will be available for players who apply. More information will be provided at the preseason parent meeting. 


All information regarding the program can be found on this website. A game calendar will be posted once games are scheduled. Specific team communication will come directly from each team’s respective coach. 

Playing Time

Feeder team leagues are very competitive. Different from “rec leagues”, there is no guaranteed minimum playing time for any player. Playing time is determined by the team’s coaches. Participation in games is contingent on players having satisfied 100% of the program’s fee obligation. Players will not be allowed to play until all of their fees are paid.

Player Expectations

Junior Knight players are expected to maintain good grades while participating on a Jr. Knight Feeder team. Players may be asked to share report cards with coaches. Players failing classes will be encouraged to seek tutoring help. Players are expected to show good sportsmanship and behavior on and off the court. Players placed on school suspension risk being expelled from the Jr. Knight Feeder program.

Being a Junior Knight is an exciting and rewarding experience. It requires commitment and should be taken seriously. Program coaches are volunteers and selflessly give their time and energy to the players. It’s expected that players will make this same commitment to their team and coaches. Practices and games are not optional. Parties, social events, etc. should not be planned in place of a practice or game. Being on time and engaged matters and is expected. Each coach will set forth guidelines for when when players should arrive for practices/games.

Parent Expectations

Commitment by parents is also very important. Players are dependent on parents/guardians to get to scheduled activities. Communication with your coach is imperative and expected if your player is going to miss a practice and/or game. Playing time will be impacted for players who habitually miss scheduled events. Your student/athletes grades should also be a priority. Time management is a skill that needs to be perfected if your player is to maintain good grades while participating on the team.  

Concessions are an important fundraising source for the program. Parents are required to assist in helping to manage the concession stand at least once during the season. Times to work in the concessions will be determined by the starting times of your player’s game, (i.e. you will work either before or after the game, but never during it.) 

Finally, sportsmanship and the behavior that accompanies it is expected of both players and parents. Yelling at coaches, players and referees will not be tolerated. Be positive with your comments and please do not coach the players from the stands. Leave that up to our coaches. Too many voices will confuse the players. Parent conduct will be scrutinized. Removal from games and game suspensions will be handed out if deemed appropriate by the program Directors.

Please contact the program director at ( with questions.  Again, thanks for your interest in the program. 

If you are interested in coaching, please submit a coaches application.